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Digging into the Dahlia Numbers, Again
I know you guys are here on the blog to see dope pictures of spreadsheets and dirty dahlia dividing, so I thought, well, gotta give the people what they want! How do you keep track of your dahlia tubers at dividing time? Do you log how many tubers each clump produces, or do you not care that much? See my answers to this year’s divide :)
Dividing Dahlias: Digging into the Numbers
Analysis of my 2019 dahlia dig and divide: Does it pay to dig and divide your dahlia tubers? How much? Are certain varieties more productive of tubers than others? How long should it take to divide tubers?
The Best Cut Flower Varieties: Year in Review, Part I
Ranunculus, Lisianthus, Dahlias, Chrysanthemums, and Zinnias!